MSGIS Portfolio
Yiwei Wang
Nebraska State
Introduction:The project focused on design geospatial web service to investigate patterns of municipal water consumption in the western United States, each student assigned one of ten pre-select western U.S. states at random, and instructor provided water consumption data.(WebGIS, 2015) My task was to perform water consumption in Nebraska State. I chose daily industrial withdrawals and daily irrigation withdrawals to shows the distribution in Nebraska State use Web GIS skills.
Method and Result:The service types in my project include map service, feature service and geocoding service. The functionality for them were provide base map and layer list widget, query data without map, and search basic separately. The first step was to create geospatial web service, and published the services using ArcGIS Server Manager and ArcMap. The service I published was the industrial and irrigation water consumption map in Nebraska. The second step was to build Web GIS application, this step used skills of HTML, JavaScript, and the REST API for ArcGIS to added the Nebraska water consumption map to a base map and achieved the map service. The third step was to add two more services to the Web GIS application, which I added feature service and geocoding service in my project. Figure.1 shows the home page of my Web GIS application, the map of Nebraska added on the base map, users can switch the map use legend on the right side. (For example, Figure.2 shows the daily irrigation withdrawals map.) The dialog box on the top left corner could be used for geocoding. And if user click on "Enter County Name" on the middle of right side, another dialog box would appear. For this dialog box, user could type any county name in Nebraska to query related data information.
Skills(Basic Programming or Scripting, GIS Analysis, Spatial Data and Algorithms): Web GIS focused on the script skills of html, CSS, and java script. This course taught us how to author and publish GIS web services, and how to build web GIS applications. In the map service section, the skills to process water consumption map in Nebraska include edit and convert industrial/irrigation water consumption data for spatial analysis, and use interpolation method to create the distribution map.Figure.3 shows a part of the code of my project. The "website" below is the project of my Web GIS application. User name is u0828193 and password is yw8193.

