MSGIS Portfolio
Yiwei Wang
Spatial Database Design
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County
Introduction:The project was to create and manage GIS data for an imaginary city. The content includes developed a database to store and manage the information of the imaginary city. There were four parts for the final project. The first part was to develop an E-R diagram to describe the data that would be used. The second part was to develop a relational model. The third part was to create an object-oriented database model. The last part was to select a single projection or coordinate system and create all of the feature classes and relationships that planned out in the previous parts by using ArcGIS.
Method and Result:The datasets include spatial data like schools, parks, and streets. Non-spatial data like staff for businesses, schools, and public buildings. There were three types of data: polygon, line, and point. The first part of the project was to focus on design conceptual model, there were fourteen given entities, and seven additional entities should be considered for the imaginary city, each entities should identify one primary key attribute and two potential attributes. The second part of the project was to develop a relational data model to show the structure of the database use software DBDesigner. For each relation should identify the primary key attribute and candinality of relationship. Add three more attributes for each entity, and define all attributes' type. The third part of the project was to create an object-oriented database model to more closely mimic the object-relational structure of the Arc geodatabase. The model should includes associations between all classes, association cardinality on all associations, method for each attribute, and dependency indicator. The fourth part of the project was to implement database design for the imaginary city by using ArcGIS server database. Create all of the feature classes and relationships, each feature class should have six attributes. And create a map of the imaginary city.
Skills(Data Models and Structures, Database Design, Structured Query Language): Be able to explore the data models within a database, and understand its structure. Given specific requirements for data, be able to design appropriate data models. This project shows how to prepare data for the city, the content include design required database, understand relationship between feature classes, add attribute to feature class, and implement database.
For structured query language(SQL), two spatial datasets downloaded from the AGRC were imported into a spatial database(use software postGreSQL): an address point dataset (includes all the address points in Utah) and a county dataset (all the county polygons in Utah). As Figure.1 shows, calculated the number of address points for each county in Utah. In Figure.2, wrote the code to select the ID and full address from the address points that fall within Salt Lake County.

Part 3

Part 1
Part 4
Part 2
