MSGIS Portfolio
Yiwei Wang
Project Design
Rewriting Kearns Township Geocoder Project
Introduction:The objectives of this project were to revise and update geocoders used in Kearns Township, Salt Lake County, Utah. The project will integrate geographical data in Kearns to create geocoders. These geocoders will be built based on four different initial georeferencing inputs(reference data), they are Address_Points, ParcelsPointXY, Centerline, and Intersection_Coordinates. Each geocoder has different locator style, field map, and geocoding options. An address locator is a dataset that include address attribute, index, and query for geocoding. And the address locator should be created based on a specific address locator style, the style to be chosen is depending on the type of addresses that can be geocoded and the reference data. Figure.1 is the work flow of the project.
Method and Result:The first step of the project was to create individual locators. There were three locators would be created by the reference data Address_Points. Two locators were created by the reference ParcelsPoint XY. Three locators were created by the reference data Centerline. Two locators were created by the reference data Intersection_Coordinates. After creation of locators, the next step was to open the properties for each locator, and to adjust the geocoding options, such as minimum match score, and spelling sensitivity. The third step was to create two composite address locators after all individual locators be created. And finally tested these locators. Figure.2 is an example of how to test individual locator by geocoding tool(on the left) and find tool(on the right).
Skills(Project Management, Communication Skills, GIS Workflow): This project focused on the ability to work individually to satisfy sponsor's demands, how to deal with problems individually, and how to communicate with sponsor to achieve the goals and tasks. The sponsor gave background information and requirements, I should followed requirements to research and find out the methods to achieve tasks within a require time frame. There were many presentations in the capstone course, for each presentation, I should be able to explain the process of project to both technical and layperson audiences. Also, a workflow to perform the steps was necessary..

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