MSGIS Portfolio
Yiwei Wang
The affected areas caused by air-related contaminant and cleanup sites in Utah
Introduction:Air pollution is a tense topic for every country. With the development of the world, air pollution is increasingly serious. Although many countries and organizations have focused on this serious problem over the past few decades, air pollution issue is still urgent to solve. In the beginning of 2015, the most popular topic in China is haze. A Chinese journalist who named Jing Cai made a video showed the serious air pollution in China. She pointed out that if Chinese people do not solve this problem as soon as possible, the disease rates would increase in the next few decades, especially lung cancer. ( Cai, 2015) The disease that air pollution causes are include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, and lung cancer.(Martin, 2014) With a common purpose of giving people a better quality of life, it is pressing to solve air pollution. In my project, I was focused on the location of cleanup sites, these cleanup sites emissions were included for ammonia, pm 10, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and oxides of nitrogen for Utah.
Method and Result:The method I used in this project include multiple ring buffers, intersect features, select by attributes and sum based on python. Figure.1 shows the example of python code. The result shows in Figure.2, there were 406281 people live within 500 meters of the cleanup sites, the percentage was 15.3%, they lived in a "hazardous" area. There were 302082 people lived in 500 meters to 1000 meters from the cleanup sites, the percentage was 11.4%, they lived in a "unhealthy" area. There were 590816 people lived in 1000 meters to 2000 meters from the cleanup sites, the percentage was 22.2%, they lived in a "moderate" area.
Skills(Basic Programming or Scripting, GIS Analysis): This project focused on using python to geoprocessing. The content includes many GIS analysis method, such as basic vector data operations in GIS, process GIS data by using python, and use basic script to achieve the purpose. The main purpose of this project was to improve skills of python used in ArcGIS. It includes how to use python in ArcGIS, the basic format of python, and how to processing GIS analysis in python. Be able to solve spatial analysis problems use python.

View the paper
Jing, C. (2015). “Under the Dome”
Michael, J ,. Et al (2005) Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution and Mortality i Los Angeles.Epidemiology.